When it comes to issues such as smart ci es, reducing paperwork in public offices, decongestion of various government agencies, or efficient management of tax offices, one of the major challenges facing different nations is the digitalization of their government management processes.
This implies the development of appropriate enterprise architectures for a good technological architecture, the development of adequate infrastructures and the definition and construction of databases that are useful both for studies to define public policies and decision-making processes within the State, as well as for quality data and information for citizens and more efficient management processes with the proper integra on of the various government entities.
For this reason, the focus of this workshop will be on the digitalization of government entities and how data science and artificial intelligence allow the above to be carried out, both from a technical perspective and in terms of innovation for citizens, and how this can affect public policies and be er management of government resources.
List of topics of interest:
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Digi za on of government
- Smart ci es and government
- Artificial Intelligence for Public Administration Problems
- Data science for public administration systems
- Integra on of government entities
- database construction for quality public and open data
- Digi za on of society for digital government
- Digital divides in the population
Organizing Committee:
- Carlos Hernan Fajardo Toro, Escuela Superior de Administración Publica, Av. 3N, Avenida 2BIS #24N-25, San Vicente, Cali, Valle del Cauca,
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Program Committee:
- Diego Armando Jurado Zambrano – Escuela Superior de Administración Publica - Colombia
- Sergio Alberto Chica Velez - Escuela Superior de Administración Publica – Colombia
- Juan de Jesus Sandoval - Escuela Superior de Administración Publica – Colombia
- Silvia Baldiris - Escuela Superior de Administración Publica – Colombia
- Gabriel Villalobos - Escuela Superior de Administración Publica - Colombia